Fat Mama’s “25 Donkey” Freestanding Art Project

Friends & Neighbors

We would like to thank everyone for their support for our “25 Donkey” Freestanding Art Project we launched on Kickstarter.com. 

We did not reach our funding goal of $39,999 and we will not be able to purchase the 25 full size fiberglass donkey sculptures and distribute them to local artist to be painted and displayed.  We would have really enjoyed bringing this project to life and providing Natchez with a unique project, we hope this project will inspire others to launch crowd-funding projects that can have a positive outcome in our community!  For those who pledged to the project, we are grateful for you support of Fat Mama’s Tamales and our project!


We ended up with 46 backers who pledged a total of $6,062, or 15.15% of our goal.  We had over 750 video views and over 500 Facebook shares.  It was an eye opening event, both in terms of setting up, organizing, planning and launching our first crowd-funded campaign, and while financially unsuccessful, the lessons learned will be invaluable moving forward.

Fat Mama’s will continue to work on some different ideas to celebrate our 25 year anniversary in June 2014 and we look forward to continuing to making positive investments in our community!

Thank you for everyone who pledges, offered their support, time, effort and ideas!

~Fat Mama